Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Emergency Council Meeting


Hold tight around this curve, boys, we're almost there!

Thanks for coming.  They're all waiting for you.  Go ahead and park so we can get started.
Is everybody here now?
Wait, where's the Wicked Witch of the West? 
We'll have to get started without her.  Hopefully she's just running behind.
Now as you've all heard by now, we have a serious situation.  Apparently, Dinosaur Fred was decapitated and eaten by Scooter.  Up until now, we all thought he was going to be okay as a dog.  But obviously our lives are now at stake.
We need a BLOODTHIRSTY plan people!  And pronto! 
I'm scared!  I don't like the way Scooter has been eyeing me lately.
None of us is going to be safe until we get rid of the dog.
The Commander and I are working on a plan of attack now.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the living room...
To be continued...

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