Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Horse By Any Other Name

While I don't condone getting up for the day at 4:30 am, here's the reward.  What a beautiful sunrise!

Yesterday was another balmy day at 50* or so.  I decided to take advantage by riding Phoenix.  With the risk of sounding completely cheesy, he's my horsey soul mate.  During college in Texas, I belonged to a riding association.  I was one of two head horse wranglers, which meant that I helped make sure all of the horses' needs were met.  This included meeting the farrier to have all 20 horses trimmed and shod.  It was this farrier who told me about Phoenix, when I said I was looking for a young horse to rehabilitate.  Phoenix went by the name Cowboy back then.  But he needed a new start.  And since a Phoenix is symbolic of a bird rising from the ashes, it seemed fitting.
He was at this lady's house that didn't ride, but she'd taken him in.  You see, he ran away from home.  Things were that bad.  He still has scar marks on his belly, even though he is now 18 years old.  When I reached up to pet him, his entire body trembled he was so scared.
It took a lot of patience, but Phoenix learned to trust again.  And I think he knows that he is safe.

Please don't tell the pony clubbers how dirty my tack is.  They would take away my riding license for sure. 

Look at that sweet face.  How?  HOW could anyone be so cruel?  It makes me want to cry, even all these years later. 
Furry winter coats = excellent hugability.  And warmth.  And they smell oh so good.  And I'm glad I didn't drop the camera doing this.  Because I was worried about it.

I'll be so glad when this mess melts away.

By the way, if Pierce asks you, Bob Marley is on vacation in Sydney.  We don't know when he'll be back.  But definitely not today.  Therefore, he is not available to play his cd for the 14th time this weekend.  He sends his regrets.  You got my back on this, right?


  1. I love that picture of you and Phoenix.
    Hold off on the poll. I just bought Runaway Ralph and Ramona the Pest.
    You know who this is :-)

  2. I just saw this post - of course, I enjoyed its horsey-ness; I'm so glad Phoenix has a good home now.

    And I love the sunrise (I used to get up at 4:30 . . . yes, AM, while in the Air Force, it was hard, but nice to be rewarded with a sunrise over the southwestern desert).

    And the view from Phoenix's back - gotta love the view from the back of a horse!

  3. What a great story, Lisa... Phoenix is lucky to have found you :-)

  4. oh, and PS.. .you should see my dirty tack. Ugh.


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