Friday, January 29, 2010

Paddington Bear or Friday the 13th? You decide.

Well, you all voted, and picked Paddington for our next reading adventure.  We haven't had a lot of reading time this week, but we're into the third chapter. 
Pierce loves maps.  One of our placemats is a United States map, and he loves to learn about the different states during meals.  He already knows about Texas, California, Nebraska, Virginia, South Carolina and Florida.  So to get started with Paddington, we had to break out our globe.  This globe is actually the one I had as a kid, so it isn't quite up to date but it serves its purpose.
Paddington is originally from Lima, Peru:

 But when his dear aunt moved into a retirement home Paddington set off on his journey to England.

Pierce especially likes it when Paddington gets dirty or gets into trouble.  He seems to be drawn to troublemakers.  I suspect this is going to be a very.bad.thing come kindergarten. 
Speaking of very.bad.things.  Does this not look like it belongs in some horror movie or something?  Most disturbing bear mask I ever saw...

My, what creepy eyes you have Mr. Bear...

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy! You are an inspiration- making baby food, pies, and decorations, plus running at the butt crack of dawn! All I do is make whine. Uh huh. But I whine really really good.


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