Saturday, February 27, 2010

The 3 Wolf Moon Shirt - My Life is Now Complete

I hope that by now you've read the Amazon 3 Wolf Moon shirt reviews.  They've been around for a good while.  But in case you haven't, you can read all about this AMAZING shirt here on Amazon .   Since I first read about the 3 Wolf Moon shirt, I've had a longing.  I've felt as if something was missing in my life, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  Sometimes, I would just stare into space with a sense of emptiness.  That is, until yesterday.

When the UPS man walked up our muddy driveway (which due to melting snow is currently unpassable without four wheel drive) with a huge box I felt an eerie tingling.  The box was from my high school friend, Ginger (Thanks, Ginger!!).  I knew she was sending a bunch of clothes for the twins, and was excited about that.  But that didn't explain my shivering.  Then I opened the box.  There, right on top, was the 3 Wolf Moon shirt. 

I paced back and forth.  I knew that once I put this shirt on, my life would never be the same.  It was a point of no return of sorts.  There's life before the 3 Moon Shirt and then there is life after.  And unless you've actually worn the 3 Moon Shirt you won't understand.  Sadly.  So here I am, the moment the wolves settled across my skin.
The rest of the night is a blur.  I ran up and down our mountain several times, racing the deer.  I'm proud to report that I won those races.  The deer have nothing on the 3 Wolf Moon shirt.  Thanks to my heightened sense of hearing, I heard the crackling of a fire about a 100 miles away, so I ran there and helped put the fire out.  I saved 4 kittens and their mother.  I also shoveled the snow off our 10 acre horse pasture, because the horses were kind of low on grass.  For some reason, the horses kept snorting at me in the 3 Moon Wolf shirt, but I was so busy it didn't upset me too much.  I finally went to bed around 4 am, and woke up at 5 refreshed and ready to feed the twins.  I'm a little hairier this morning (particularly my arms, which have become downright furry), but otherwise I feel great. 

Don't delay!  Place your order for the 3 Wolf Moon shirt TODAY!  Your life will never be the same!!


  1. Glad it's a hit. Let me know if you run into Jacob, Quil & Embry, and I'll put mine on and join you!

  2. Sounds like something out of the twilight series.

  3. Do snazzy glasses come as part of the deal?

  4. I don't know how I have survived so long without mine...gonna rush out and get me one :) Love the post!!!

  5. Found you through BlogFrog and can I say - this made me LOL today! Love it! Gonna be a new follower here! :-)

  6. I want it, too.
    But not the hair--ewww--don't want that.
    Fun post!


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