Friday, February 5, 2010


Apparently, no amount of wishful thinking is going to work.  Not even with a really good imagination.

I'm thinking about moving back to TEXAS.



Anonymous said...

I am starting to worry about you, Lisa :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Only starting to worry Mom? ;-) Yup, this present snowstorm has put me over the edge ;-) (Actually, it was really quite envigorating. I'm thinking I should play fake spa on my deck in the middle of snowstorms more often).

Anonymous said...

Well, the Christmas tree in the background is a nice touch. But you should put a little pink umbrella in your drink

Labay Family said...

LOL! You have me laughing over here - IN TEXAS! We live on the coast of South Texas and the weather is sort of yucky right now. It's chilly and rainy, though not nearly as chilly as you are! You should get a hot tub for that deck.

Lauren said...

Yeah! Come to Texas! ;)

warren said...

You are hilarious...and maybe just a touch crazy!

I sort of feel the same way though...