Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lots of Crying in our House

The twins have caught the cold that Pierce had and they have been miserable the past couple of days.  Nothing can make you feel bad quite like a sick baby.  Or two.  Reid and Cort have been fussy as can be, and understandably.  They are congested and coughing, and they have been running mild fevers all day and night.  Reid wouldn't let me put him down all day yesterday.  My hip is actually sore from toting 16 pounds on it  I was thankful Paul was home to provide a second pair of hands.  At one point, I managed to get Reid settled  in with Paul for a nap on the couch, but as soon as he saw me walk by he lifted up his little hands for me and fussed.  Pierce has always been a daddy's boy, so I confess it's a little nice to have one child that is all about mommy.  I think Cort is just all about himself ;-).  Not a whole lot you can do for sick babies at this age, which is frustrating.  We've been using this:
I put it on their chests and feet.  It may not do much for them, but it sure does make me feel a little better.  We've also been using infant tylenol and have their humidifier going all the time.

Hopefully this thing will break soon and without an extra trip to the pediatrician. 
In the meantime, Reid comforts Cort with a kiss.


  1. Call if you need backup. I can get out tomorrow as soon as the sun hits the road for a while. It's great now, but will certainly freeze solid again tonight. I would love to help comfort a sick twin. Or watch Pierce if you need to take the twins to the doc.

  2. Poor kids. Hope they feel better soon :)

  3. Hope the babies are feeling better! Thanks for stopping by my old blog! We used to get our chicks and they have always sent a "mystery" one--fun! Your kids are ADORABLE!


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