Monday, February 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Orange

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Today's theme is orange. 
Pierce had orange slices, orange Apple Jacks cereal, carrots, homemade cheese and chicken enchilada, spanish rice, and one orange gummy vitamin (which orange kitten supervised to make sure he took).

For those of you who are wondering, Horace and Juliet continue to do very well.  We plan to call today to talk to the company about how many chicks we lost.  Maybe they'll replace some.
Pierce asked to hold Horace (who seems to be everyone's favorite) last night.  Here is the chicken 'coop' in our living room.  Yup, nothing says redneck like having chickens in your living room ;-)

The light is red for a reason.  If a chick gets hurt and is bleeding, other chicks might peck at it.  But if they are under a red light, they can't see the blood and will leave it alone.  Fortunately, neither Horace or Juliet is hurt.  But the red light is for good measure. 
In the middle of the night our house glows red.  Nice.

We taught Pierce to be very gentle by petting Horace with just one finger.

Pierce did very well with being gentle.  We've always had lots of animals.  So he's learned early on.


Anonymous said...

The cheese and chicken enchilada looks awesome. I won't have thought of Spanish rice. Great tin!

Mama to 5 said...

Homemade cheese - that's very impressive! I love your St. Patty's tray! :)

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww. Love the chicken petting picture. :-)

Unknown said...

Rice, what a great idea! I want to try some of that cheese! yummy!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh gosh, I should clarify! The cheese/chicken enchiladas are homemade - not the cheese itself! Although I wish I could make homemade cheese.

Kelly said...

Lovely tin, the enchilada was a great idea. I'm not sure how it will go, but I ordered some cheese making supplies this past weekend from the New England Cheese Making Company. I'm going to try it this summer with the kids.

Jamie said...

Yummy tin! Great job!

Juanita said...

Looks like a great tin! Love the idea of spanish rice!

warren said...

He's really cute petting with one finger! Well done Momma!

Helene said...

Love the orange muffin tin Monday idea! Maybe my kids would eat more things if I presented the food in a fun way??

I had no idea about the red light over the chickens...that's interesting.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Oh, Spanish rice, that's a great idea for orange! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

When John was little, we got a kit from the New England Cheese Company and made mozzerella. It was really fun and the cheese was delish.

w said...

homemade cheese? that sounds amazing! horace is cute.

also. i like the fact that i learned something. the red light. i am sooo using that bit of trivia at the next party i go to. yeah. my parties can get pretty wi-ld.

Ladynred said...

love the rice and the rest of the food! What a cute chick!

Amanda said...

You did a great job on your muffin tin too!