Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday

I'm trying out some of the Memes that are floating around out there this week. I'm snowed in yet again, so might as well try to have a little fun. You can click on the button above for SupahMommy to find the host site for this and join in.


  1. Our dog whines when he is left behind. Gets really old sometimes.
    Happy Tuesday.

  2. I love me some avacado....but you can keep the breast milk :)

  3. Haha! I like the first two. I nearly sprayed my before-noon Dr. Pepper out my nose...

  4. Hang in there with the avocado. T didn't like it until I smushed it on some toast. He still won't eat it solid, and never would eat it from a spoon.

  5. I love avocado, but if it's COMBINED w. the BM, my daughter probably would prefer it over me. ;)

  6. I'm fighting the gray hair battle myself ... I go through phases where I dye and then I think it is too much trouble and then I quit...then I go back and start dyeing again.

    And I've never eaten avocado in my life! It intimidates me.

    Thanks for the visit.

  7. The last one...oh boy...just...good luck!


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