Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This Whole Meme Week Thing

Okay, so you know how I'm doing a week of Memes to enrich my life, be more creative, blah blah blah.  According to my search online, a Meme is just a good idea someone has that gets rolling and spreads.  Well, I wanted to really step outside the box and challenge myself with this Meme thing.  And challenge I have!  I've decided to try to do my own.  I have spent half the day trying to figure out how to design a button.  Which involved installing Photoshop and learning how to use it.  And then how to write the code to make it work.  And then learning how to write the code to make the little box under it.  Believe me, THIS IS A HUGE DEAL for the computer dummy like myself.  And I didn't even stoop to alcohol to do this.  Yet ;-)  See the button and the code on my right side bar?  I am SO excited!  I haven't figured out the whole Mr. Linky deal, in case someone would like to join in.  But I'll work on that Friday.  Because Friday is the day. 
The Meme I wanted to do is focused on memories from the past.  Because I think it's important to write these things down to pass on to the kiddos.  So Fridays will be my day to try to include a memory for them.  And hopefully, sometimes a picture.  If things get going, I may start doing a theme each week (like the memory of losing your first tooth or the memory of your favorite teacher) but for now, just any memory story will do.  Should be fun.  I hope a couple of people will join me!


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