Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You Capture Wednesday


Continuing my theme of a week of Memes.  This one comes from I Should Be Folding Laundry.  Each week there is a photo assignment. This week's assignment was "Work".  Most of what I consider work has to do with household chores.  I cook every day, typically twice a day:

I don't know that I consider it work though.  The following chores I do daily and I DO consider them work. 

And then there is the wood stove, which I devote a lot of time into managing.  But I've already complained about that. 

I do have an outside-the-home job too.  I teach psychology classes at a local college.  Right now I'm teaching Human Development (my absolute favorite class to teach).  This involves about 6 1/2 hours a week of class time.  It's great to get out for a day but yet still spend the majority of my weeks with the boys.

I'm also doing 3 independent studies right now for an upper level psych class called Organizational Behavior.  I love doing independent studies because I just do them all online, which makes them easy.

Hey, I need a Meme for tomorrow.  If you've got a fun one for Thursday, please let me know!  :-)


  1. What's in the crockpot? If I get out of here, I will be there for supper tonight. Say a prayer for this to happen :-)

  2. Love these shots! I DO consider them work, as well. Sigh. A mommy's work is NEVER done!!!

  3. Mom, that was last night's dinner. It was chicken breasts, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, white wine, olives, mushrooms, and herbs. Tossed with brown rice.
    Tonight is Scandanavian beans. Probably with corn muffins.

  4. Looks like Scandanavian beans are not going to happen for me. Road up the mtn under a ton of snow.

  5. I love these shots, especially the vacuum one! Oh, and the thought of Organizational Behavior class just took my back to college and gave me chills (not the good kind), I mean, it just wasn't my most favorite class:-)

  6. A vacuum? I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that was. My ancient one doesn't look anything like that!

    I didn't even think of posting a photo of our corn stove on my "You Capture", although it IS work, AND I also recently complained about it on my blog too!

    Nice captures.

  7. I'm hungry now! Great shot.

    I majored in Psych in college. LOVE IT! yes, it totally counts as work. Class work is so time consuming.

  8. I'm a big fan of the crockpot. And I'm jealous of your vacuum.

  9. Great pictures! I completely understand the crock pot one... I considered taking a picture of my coffee maker - if it doesn't work, I don't work.

  10. Cooking for pleasure (making bread, baking, etc.) doesn't feel like work. Having to prepare dinner for three other people at the end of a long day is work. Definitely. Hooray for the crockpot!

  11. great shots! yippeee for the crockpot!

  12. I love my crockpot for cooking too. And the rest well yeah those are definitely chores. The classes sound fun though. I kinda wish I got a chance to get out and do something like that sometimes.


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