Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby Central

Yesterday we took a drive to finally meet the long awaited Grady, my first nephew.  Born at NINE POUNDS SEVEN OUNCES, he's already the same size as Cort.  And he's only 7 weeks old!  Reid and Cort will be 7 months tomorrow!

Reid, Grady, Cort
Can I just say how hard it was to get Cort to lie still for all of 2 seconds to get a picture of the three of them?

Reid was very impressed by all of Grady's hair.  A full head of it.

Hey Grady, help a cousin out.  Where can I get me some hair like that?

We had a good time catching up.

It was wild!  Kids everywhere!  We're going to have so much fun in the coming years with all these boys.

Meredith and Taylor with Grady:

A beautiful new family :-)
Incidentally, I asked if they would mind being on the blog.  Meredith said she didn't care.  Taylor didn't answer.   Should've spoken up when you had the chance, Taylor ;-)

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful pictures! And what beautiful children....ALL of you :-)


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