Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blog Swap!

Three Kids, A Minivan, and a Lot of Love has hosted another blog swap.  This one was about your favorite things.  The challenge?  To send another blogger $30 worth of your favorite things.  I got paired with Mary, over at Our Little B

Mary and I chatted some by email.  She seems so sweet and positive.  Much nicer than me!  In fact, I bet she never takes pictures of random people wearing ugly clothes and posts them on her blog ;-)  So I wanted to take good care of her.  If you want to see what I sent her, check out her blog. 
Here is what she sent me:

Mary's package arrived at the PERFECT time.  Because I was seriously jonesing for some chocolate.  That Ghiradelli bar lasted...oh....all of about 3 seconds. 
She also sent me a vanilla candle, bobby pins, delicious smelling lotion, pink nail polish (which Pierce tried really hard to steal), a photo album, a Paula Dean spatula, an organizer, and several very cool listmaking pads. 
Thanks so much, Mary! 


  1. Ha as a matter of fact I can see myself posting something like that! :) I'm so glad you liked everything. Would it have been better if I had just given you a whole box of chocolate?

    Also I am LOVING the Baby Catcher book! Thank you so much for recommending it. It makes me want even more to be a doula.

  2. Oh, you are TOO nice. (Not TOO as in TOO MUCH, but as in you are SO! Well, that doesn't work, either, do ya get me?) Anyway, glad you got some awesome treats! Chocolate = YUMMMMMM, so I don't blame you for making your way through it quickly! ;)


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