Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gone Trolleying

Boys like things that go.  Pierce is all about trains and buses.  And trolleys.  For at least a month now Pierce has been begging to go ride the trolley downtown.  He talks about it all the time.  The weather has been lousy though, and I needed backup to help me manage the twins during our trolley ride.  So finally, yesterday everything came together and we were able to do our trolley excursion.

Pierce could barely stand the wait for the trolley.  He was so excited.

Finally it rounded the curb.

A few passengers got on and off, but we mostly had the place to ourselves.

A boy in his element:

Now what am I supposed to do when he starts saying he wants to ride in an airplane?


  1. Where do you park to catch this trolley?

  2. I parked in front of the library on Jefferson since they have free 2 hour parking, then walked to the stop in front of the Water Authority to catch it. You could park at the hospital and catch it there though.

  3. I love that he was so excited about it and FINALLY got to go for a ride!

  4. That sounds like so much fun!!! I've never ridden a trolley so I'd probably be as excited as he was!!!

    So funny what you said about flying in a plane. The other day we saw a plane in the sky and one of my sons asked when he could finally fly in one. I told him he had flown in one before when he was only 18 months old. He said that didn't count since he didn't remember it.

  5. So cute! He reminds me of my little nephew, who used to love watching this video of construction equipment digging dirt. I don't care what anyone says, boys and girls look at the world differently!

  6. Def get in an airplane...my kids have flown and they love it!


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