Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's here! It's here!

Hello Spring!  Welcome!  Oh how I have missed you!  It's been a long, long time, but I'm glad you've returned home.  Please stay.  I love you so.

In celebration of temps in the 70s (YES!) we have spent a lot of time outside the past couple of days.  We went to two parks and the zoo.  And we just played in the yard and on the deck.  The sun on my arms is even better than cheesecake.  Oh yeah, after the winter we've had, it's truly that good!

The twins got to swing for the first time:

Apparently, Pierce's climbing skills have improved this winter.  Gasp!

And we even went on a short hike and found this crazy tree:

In addition to the start of spring, this weekend is my dad's birthday.  Happy Birthday Dad! 

Anyone interested in doing a postcard swap? 
Join in here:
She's trying to collect postcards from all 50 states!  Fun!


  1. Isn't it wonderful when you can take them out to play? I used to love planning picnics when my kids were little. Nice weather is just so much more fun!
    Thanks for visiting me. You're waaaay too young to remember the Pebbles doll, LOL! (I'm 54, myself.)
    Your house must be fun with littles and all those fur and feather babies! I would love to have chickens someday. We're not zoned for 'farm animals,' but maybe in a future house!

  2. I love spring! The day is beautiful here in NC and my kiddos and I are definitely going to enjoy it :) I'm so excited to be swap buddies too!


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