Monday, March 1, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - WONDER PETS

My life now revolves around Wonder Pets.  It is quite a sad realization.  Lenny, Tuck, and Ming Ming too, they all work together and they'll help you. 
Wonder Pet songs are in my head.  Oh dear.  So when the next muffin tin 'no theme' day came up, I decided to do a Wonder Pets theme for Pierce.

We've got flyboat fish, Tuck sliced cheese, potato salad, Ming Ming water (you can get these great cutouts with paper doll clothes off the Nickelodeon website), Lenny cream cheese and apple butter bread, and of course ants on a log celery.
No Wonder Pets lunch would be complete without celery.

Want to join in on Muffin Tin Monday?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

And now for Monday's chick update.  Horace and Juliet continue to do well.  Only Juliet is looking more and more fryerish.  Also, it appears she may be a he.
She has a little comb coming up on her head.
Here, she displays the wing feathers she's been growing:

Horace is working on his wings too.

Also, he has the cutest fuzzy legs.  Can you stand it?

Incidentally, we called McMurray hatchery and told them what happened with our last shipment.  So they sent us an entirely new batch of chicks.  The post office called at 6:45 this morning and I went to pick them up.  I can't tell you how much healthier these chicks are!  First of all, there were NO dead chicks at all when we opened the box (last time we had almost 10 dead right off).  In addition, they are all healthy and peeping and eating.  The only chick who seems to be in trouble is one with a broken leg.
Hopefully they will fare much better!


  1. oh my gosh, great tin! We love the wonder pets too. Our tin this week is about a new favorite show. =)

  2. Awesome!! My kids would love this. They love Wonder Pets.

  3. What a great tin! My boys would have gone crazy over that one...we are also Wonder Pets - addicted. I love your creativity!

  4. Super Cute! It is all DORA at our house. I will have to do a Dora tin next time there is no theme. Horace is adorable!

  5. What an awesome lunch! You are so creative.

  6. Love the creativity of yur muffin tin! You did a good job. Good luck with your chicks!

  7. What a creative lunch! It looks awesome.

  8. How cool is that! Your kiddos must really love you!

  9. Very cute! We love the Wonder Pets at our house too. I find it's one of the least annoying song to get stuck in my head!

  10. Too cute! My boys would love that. Great job.

  11. My toddler would LOVE that meal. LOL

    We're just starting out with MTM so she'll have wait until I get the hang of it.

    That song can stick with you can't it?

  12. Awesome tin! The Wonder Pets would be a big winner at our house too! I'll have to "tuck" that idea away in my head for future use. ;-)

  13. I think I'm in love with this tin. How cute!

  14. That is super cute. We love Wonder Pets around here as well and there was a time where it non-stop went through my head as well. I'll have to look for the cut outs. That should be a fun muffin tin for my daughter.

  15. I am still in love with Horace! Glad he's still up and cheeping! And that you are too :)

  16. ok. love the wonder pets tin. you did a great job with that. also. i have a great time reading about your chicks. yes i do.


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