Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vintage Recipe Thursday - Groovy!

I was thinking today would be a good time to do Vintage Recipe Thursday again over at Joy of Desserts.
I dipped into my grandmother's trusty For the Love of Cooking (circa 1975) cookbook again and was amused by the idea of Psychedelic Salad. 
In general, I'm not big on the whole fruity potlucky salad deal. 
I think it's kind of a Midwestern thing. 
I'm not trying to stereotype here.  It's just that last time we went to Thanksgiving dinner in Nebraska there were five...yes FIVE types of fruit marshmallowy gelatin dishes.  I don't know about you, but I'd never seen that many in one place before.
Anyhow, how can you resist Psychedelic Salad?
Totally Retro!

Psychedelic Salad
1 cup crushed pineapple
1 cup red raspberries
1 cup mandarin orange sections
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup flaked coconut
1 cup commercial sour cream

Mix together and refridgerate for 24 hours before serving.

Pierce said this had too much coconut.  I kind of agreed.  He did enjoy picking out the marshmallows though.  And he was excited when we told him that Bob Marley was totally into psychedelic salad for dinner. 


  1. I think you're right. It DOES have a midwesterny feel about it. Now that I live in Iowa, I see a lot of this type of thing.

    Hahaha! I love that Pierce knows Bob Marley! I didn't know he liked that kind of music!

  2. This is great! I love the Pierce is so into Bob Marley! I might need to go dig up my mom's pumpkin bread recepie from a 1973 Cosmo mag for next week. It's soooo yummy!

  3. I wonder how it would be with the multicolored marshmallows.

  4. What a great fun name for that kind of salad. Glad to see you participating in Vintage Recipe Thursday.


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