Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who's Your Slobber Boy?

Poor Reid.  Teething has hit him in full force.  He's constantly covered in congestion and drool.  It seems his upper front teeth might be coming in first, which is a bit unusual (but not unheard of). 

So he requests lots of holding, and he's such a snugglebug.  Unlike El Squirmo-FlipMyselfBackwards Cort.  We've also been doing Munchkins with ice cubes in them.
And when things seem to painful, Hyland's teething tablets.

Overall, though, Reid is quite stoic about it.  Even with his drool waterfall.


  1. LOL that's a lot of drool! I think Eva's top teeth are coming in first too...

  2. Gee boy esp was a slobbery mess for what seemed like an eternity! He's 10 now and still slobbers a bit...but it's over junk food now!

  3. I use both of those items. They work great.

  4. Awww, poor baby!! All my little ones began teething early and the only things that worked were Motrin and the teething tablets.

  5. We've visited that waterfall too.


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