They adore the vacuum. When I bring it out, Cort squeals and comes commando crawling over.
Reid spent 3 solid days this week in downward facing dog position.
And finally, yesterday, began some real crawling. Cort has been army crawling now for a couple of months. And he's wicked fast. He particularly likes to try to sneak his way into the pantry, the dog water dish, and Pierce's room.
The twins continue to eat baby food, that I make for them. They are still breastfeeding and they are also eating Puffs and Baby Mum Mums. I just started them on some solid well-cooked peas this week.
What's a typical evening like?
Last night, after dinner (grilled tilapia in tortillas with salsa, avocado, lettuce, cheese + yellow rice w/ cherry tomatoes), we went outside to do a few chores and take a walk.
We observed that the apple tree was FULL of butterflies!
Cort helped feed the chickens.
Note the snide expression on his face. That kid!
Pierce checked things out internally.
We could watch the chickens all night.
Happy chickens. Scratching in the dirt. Eating bugs.
Just like nature intended.
Then a walk down the road.
Or in Pierce's case, a run.
Note his trusty sushi mat. Not sure why, but it just HAD to come on the walk with us.
Because you never know when you're going to need to make sushi on the side of a country road.
At least he wasn't wearing the Speedo life jacket he wore for four days last week.
Getting our feet a little wet. Brrrr!
Exploring a tunnel under the road.
I love all the smiles, the chuckles, and the snuggles each day from my boys.
It's all such an adventure.
Yup. In our little corner of the world, things are just right.
Happy 8 months, Cort and Reid.
Wow, what a beautiful time. I feel happy on your behalf.
How cute are all of your kids??!! So adorable! Both of my girls are terrified of the vacuum. Well my 8 yr old isnt any more but the 2 yr old still jumps on the couch as soon as she sees me bring it out!
Will you adopt me? I wanna live there too.
Happy 8 months to you too, Momma :)
Wow! What a happy, busy family! While I enjoyed ALL the photos, I particularly like the one where Cort is overjoyed at seeing the vacuum! Hahaha!
Ain't life grand?
What a fun night -- and your dinner sounded so tasty!
I'm impressed your boys like the vacuum, at almost 4 my two tolerate it but prefer to be in a different room. When they were babies it was HARD!!
8 Months!! Your boys are so happy and smiley : ) And it only gets better and better to see how much they'll interact.
They are so cute! Your place looks like a great place to live. Hailey loves animals right now so I'm sure she'd love to be close to all those animals. :)
By the way, your dinner sounded so good!
I wonder if Pierce thinks the lifejacket looks like the Explorer's vest that Diego wears? Does he still have his LLBEan fishing vest or is it outgrown?
8 months did fly by fast! Loved the pics!
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