Saturday, April 3, 2010

Someone turned on the lights. Thank you.

The twins will be 8 months old in 5 days.  I can't believe it.  The preceeding months have been so difficult.  Much of it is a blur.  Someone was always crying, often me.  I knew it would be hard, but I didn't know.  This week has been different though.  This week has been good.  Very good.  Yesterday I packed up snacks and diapers and remembered to apply sunscreen to everyone but myself (oops), and we were off. I found myself at the park with the boys on an unseasonally warm day -- temps reaching 87* (broke a record!) -- and I was filled with happiness.  Me!  Me and my boys!  And all was right in my world.  Finally.  It is good to be here. 

So I went a little picture-happy.  Forgive me.  But they're cute.  I can't resist.
Pierce resisted the big boy swings and insisted on the baby swing.  A little Freudian regression?

Note the expression on Cort's face.  What's he doing in MY swing?

Hello, Spring!

After we got our fill of the playground, we decided to head to the trails for some hiking.  Pierce was thrilled when I said, go ahead, get in the water.  It was freezing, but he's tough.  And he's a boy.  And something like a little cold water won't stop him from making some messes.

I probably should have made him wait until after the hike to dive in, though, because he got a blister from wet feet and shoes.  But you know -- he never complained.  He didn't even tell me about it until we got home and he took his shoes off.  He'll make a good runner one day with an attitude like that!  A lost toenail here and there won't phase him a bit!  ;-)
Nature Trail!  Pierce is working on sight words, so he likes to know what words say now.

We found some nice sand by the Pigg River.

The twins overlooked sand play from their trusty Bob.

Best investment in a piece of baby equipment EVER.

I hope that this spring is full of days exactly like yesterday.
I know there will be difficult days ahead. 
But a GREAT day like yesterday will fuel those rough days ahead.
And I even had the energy last night to run 10 miles after Paul got home.
It just doesn't get better than that!

Don't forget about my giveaway.  Today and tomorrow are the last days to enter, here!


Jeremi said...

I am always inspired by someone who can run 10 miles -- and you have a 3 year old and twins too! Wow!! Great days really are so great, aren't they : ) It does keep getting easier in different ways and more fun. Happy Weekend!

CUTE pics, btw.

SouthernDogwoods said...

I am hopping over from M&M and I love your blog. You have a beautiful family!
Wow, 10 miles is awesome! I am trying my hand at losing some lbs. and learning to love to run. Got any advice?

Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter!

Hayley said...

You are such a fun momma! I'm hoping that when it warms up a bit here and I can take the kids to the park and just generally get outside that the lights will turn on for me too.

Give my Horace kisses for me lol :)

Mama Goose said...

Wow your kids are freaking cute! I am glad you had a good day. Hopefully with the return of the sun, you will have many more.

w said...

i have the same bob. he's trusty, he is.

Laura said...

I just commented on your muffin tin post, but our twins just turned 8 months today and I agree it's a whole new world!! I feel like I can finally breathe again and we can start enjoying our life as a family of 5. You just don't know until you do it, do you?