Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trimming Feet Tuesday

Let me start by announcing the winner of the giveaway (according to Random.org) is Charity from The Donovan Clan.  She has quads so if anyone can use some pampering, it must be her.  Congrats to Charity, and thanks to everyone who entered!

This morning I rushed to get in a 4 mile run, shower, mix up some applesauce and oatmeal for the twins, and catch the horses before the farrier got here.  Zip was a stinker and didn't want me to catch him.
We've been using the same farrier for over 11 years.  Nice as can be and the horses really like him.

Phoenix gets a little extra trimmed off.  Horses typically need their feet trimmed every 6-8 weeks.  The horses we have are quarterhorses, and they have been blessed with great feet.  None of them have to wear shoes.  In fact, Phoenix has never had a shoe on his feet.  During the winter, their feet don't grow as much, so we can stretch out the trimmings a little more.
Shaping up the front:

The inside of a farrier's truck.  Full of tools and horse shoes of all shapes and sizes:
 One thing about farriers.  They always have the best stories about the people they meet and places they go.  I've never met a farrier who didn't have some fine stories to tell.  They time always flies by because the stories are so interesting.  Having 2 horses and a pony trimmed takes about an hour.

The aftermath.  Think these are just old pieces of horse hooves?  Think again.  It's a big buffet.
Of the doggie sort, anyhow.  Dogs sure love a good horse hoof triming.

It's going to be 92* today.  Oh my!  What happened to spring?  Even at 8:00 am, total haze out.

1 comment:

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What an appropriate license plate! I love it. Hey, and what IS it about those hoof trimmings that dogs love?!

I have to agree with you - it's fun listening to farrier stories.

Ugh. I'll take our Iowa thunderstorms and 71 degrees over your low 90s!