Sunday, April 4, 2010

Who needs a basket? I'll just take this one egg here.

Had another excellent day yesterday.  Reid and Cort had some fun wrasslin'.  First it was over a toy that Reid had and Cort wanted.

But then the toy was gone and they were still wrestling. 

I took all three boys to an Easter egg hunt.  To make up for my slackerdom neglect (i.e. not dyeing eggs this year). 
Last year I took Pierce to one of the massive Easter egg hunts.  It was a little crazy though and the older kids got all the good eggs.  So this year we scaled down to a very small egg hunt.

And guess what?  Pierce didn't want many eggs.

This one egg here, this is just fine.

Oh please, Pierce, come look for more eggs.

Okay, three is good.  I just want to examine them now!

Meanwhile, Reid was kind enough to watch over the food while the hunt was on (Cort, as usual, demanded to be carried the entire time).

I think Reid might have been  a little disappointed he didn't score one of the cupcakes.

More Easter eggcitement this morning with the Easter bunny.
Okay, don't look at me, but the bunny didn't bring any candy this year.
I guess he knows that too much candy makes Pierce totally crazy.
So instead, he put several puzzle pieces in each egg before he hid them around the house.

That way, once all the eggs were found, some major puzzle working could ensue.
The bunny also brought some peep bubbles, some gel spring window stickers, a Dr. Seuss book (and I thought we had them all!), a sketchpad, some bunny ears, and a spiderman watch.
Happy Easter!


  1. Great idea with the puzzle pieces! Oh yeah, and those little boys are soooo cute! ;)

  2. I can't believe how big Reid looks in that picture! Wow! Neat idea about the puzzle pieces too.


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