Wednesday, May 19, 2010

AHOY! How far would you go for the perfect playground?

Would you far as the eye can see?

Particularly for the chance to be a pirate?  Revisit this post to see how much we love pirates in our house.

 So how far would you go to run up and down bridges

To peek in portholes

And dine on the child sized picnic table located in the gallows

We would go far.  We would make that drive.

Watch out for that iceberg buddy!

And careful on the ropes!

To think that some pirates can have this much fun...with nary a bottle of rum in sight!


  1. Looks like he is having a BLAST! AHOY!

  2. How far was this park?

  3. Wow that looks like lots of fun!!!! Mad would really love that!

  4. Elizabeth, it was at a church (hello, trespassing ;-)) just outside Douthat. Since we were staying in Douthat, it was a 6 mile drive (but I felt silly doing it since we had a playground right in the park). From Roanoke, I guess it would be about an hour drive.


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