Saturday, May 22, 2010

Feeling Lucky

Yesterday we packed a picnic lunch and then headed out for the day.  First stop was the pediatrician's office, where Cort and Reid got their 9 month checkups a little late.  Both are in good health, and they only had to get 1 shot each.

From there, we headed to the zoo.  I let Pierce play on the 'big kid' playground this time.  It involves a lot of climbing and tunneling.

This?  This part makes my heart skip a beat or two.
I have to help him up the first ledge.
But then he does the rest himself while I wait below, arms outstretched and pleading Please Don't Fall.

The view from the top of the rock formation:

Inset within the rocks are various dinosaur fossils:

Cort and Reid observed much more calmly than I did:

After I could take no more, we went into the zoo.  The turtles were catching some rays:

And this?  This is Lucky.
His name is Lucky because a man was weedeating and weed wacked him.
So he has a big scar.  The man brought him to the zoo, where they mended him and adopted him.
I guess that's Lucky?

Lucky is a corn snake.  And a friendly one at that.  Pierce believed that snakes would be sharp because of their fangs.  So he was impressed by how smooth Lucky felt.
Here he is, petting Lucky right on his old injury:
Lucky for Pierce, Mom prefers snakes to ridge playground climbing.  Much safer ;-)

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