Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Few Things I Haven't Killed (Yet)

I don't have a green thumb.  I have no sense of landscaping (unlike my Dad, who rocks in vision when it comes to planting and growing and creating). 
But I have a few things that I planted when preggo with the twins that returned this year, much to my astonishment and joy.  They are in bloom right now, and beautiful.

Scarlett lilies:

The hydrangeas were planted about 10 years ago when we first bought our land, but they've stuck around through thick and thin and although they don't bloom for long, we really enjoy them when they're bright and blossomy:

We are trying our hand at some veggies as well this year.  Tomatoes and squashes.  Hopefully they'll do well.  Our apple tree has tiny little apples on it - not quite golf-ball sized - and it looks to be a good year for apples.  We still have a couple of apple pies in our deep freeze from last year to eat up.  I don't imagine that'll be very hard ;-)
What's growing in your neck of the woods?


  1. How awesome that stuff returned! I especially love lavender. Does it smell as great while growing out there as I imagine it does? I love the scent of lavender, but haven't ever smelled it - the real plant, I mean - out in a garden.

  2. I am holding off on any more posts about our garden for the time being. I have been trying to do organic gardening this year....Which really means I really should be more observant of things. Such as when trying to get rid of the stinkbugs that were eating my string beans. A solution is to spray the plants with a liquid soap solution - HOWEVER if you do not pay attention to the fact that your soap is "ultra concentrated" you will not only get rid of those pesky bugs, you will FRY the life out of those plants. So we are waiting to see how much collateral damage was caused in the bug fight.


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