Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Camper

This weekend Cort clapped his hands together 50 times (his newest trick, and he is really quite pleased with himself) and said that he was leaving home.
So he packed his gear (a pacifier, a red sports car, a few Cheerios stored in the cheek pouch, and a flashlight) and moved into his older brother's dragonfly tent.
He did allow brothers Reid and Pierce to join him at times.  But when I tried to peek at him through the mesh skylight, he yelled, "MOM!  Go AWAY!  I've gone camping.  No mothers allowed!"

Nope, he wasn't a happy camper at all.  Now where's those s'mores?

On a side note, Muffin Tin Monday is hosting a blog swap of muffin tin supplies.  How fun is that?
I haven't done a blog swap in a couple of months, so I'm ready!
Head to Muffin Tin Mom if you're interested to find out how to participate.


  1. What happened to the pink tent Pierce used to have?

  2. Oh look at that smile! I wanna kiss his face.

    Read through the last few posts you've done. I've been kind of MIA til now. Glad you're doing so well, Ms. Marathon!

  3. Love the peaking out of the tent pic! So cute.


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