Monday, June 7, 2010

How does your lunch stack up? Muffin Tin Monday

Today's Muffin Tin Monday food was in stacks.  Stacks of falafel, a marshmallow man stack, carrots, broccoli, baby corn and cheddar cheese cube towers.
Pierce didn't like the falafel, but the twins did!  I thought I'd found the perfect high protein baby food for them, until I realized how crumbly it was and how much they tossed it around.  Clean up was a job!

Want to participate in MTM?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Chicken update!  Here's Elvis, look how big he she is!
Note the chicken tractor in the background, with Pierce opening the door.
He's all ready to practice egg gathering skills.  Soon!


Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Love the stack-able idea and your marshmallow man is so cute. Super yummy tin and Elvis is very pretty :)

The Princess said...

I love falafel - I may have to make some very soon.

Jenny said...

Creative theme. I love falafel!

warren said...

Hilarious pic...looks like one of those perspective pics where everyone is the same size but due to perspective, you all look different...well, that makes sense in my head. Anyhow, very funny!

Jamie said...

*lol* Cleanup is always fun around here too... Great lunch! I love the stacking theme. :)

ardi said...

thanks for the information

Anonymous said...

JDaniel loved quinoa a few weeks ago. It was tough to clean up too.

Melissa said...

Elvis is a riot! :) Yummy lunch!

Cleaning up after meals is the bane of my existence! (seriously!)

Jen said...

I love the stacking. my kids would so eat that

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love the chicken! The name, Elvis, fits!!

Shannon said...

Cute! I think the banana is my favorite part. :o)