Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last weekend we spent Saturday at the lake house with family.  The water temperature was just perfect for some floating.
I tied two floats together and Pierce and I drifted in the lake for at least an hour while my parents listened for the twins during naptime.
About as relaxing as life can be with a toddler by your side.
Later Paul (who had been cutting hay) jumped in to join us.

Daddy is much more exciting in the water than me.  No more quiet floating about.

As you can see, Pierce didn't like all that rowdy splashing one bit.
Nope, certainly not fun.
Nope, certainly no laughing going on.
Or shrieking.

Ahhhh, summer!


  1. we have a lake cabin that i just love getting away to --- your floating picture looks so relaxing .... and you look amazing too!! Summer Fun :)

  2. Sounds very relaxing!!
    Looks like a fun time for everyone!

  3. I love your bathing suit. Guess I never had time to notice it last Saturday.

  4. That float made me laugh - my husband wants one for the pool to hold a beer on either side of him. :) (Funny boy.)
    Never mind that it would take up almost the whole pool.

  5. Looks like fun! My dad has a float that he lounges in at his lake house . . . and the cup holder? He puts his beer in it, like a dad would.

  6. Love it!! I am going to have to get over my fear of swimming in open water . . . it looks like so much fun!


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