Friday, June 4, 2010

Memory Lane Friday - A Favorite Movie

Memory Lane Friday is a time to reflect on memories from your youth.  Today's topic is 'A Favorite Movie'.  I had a really hard time with this topic!  I didn't have any one particular favorite (at least not that I can remember) but I did have several well-cherished horse movies.  So I'm going to write about those.

First off, there was The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit. A Disney comedy, it's a really cute movie about a man who builds an aspirin sales campaign around his daughter's show jumper.

There was also Sylvester, which I probably watched hundreds of times.  Starring Melissa Gilbert, it's about an orphaned Texan girl who believes in herself and her battered horse, going all the way to a National Equestrian competition.
Other really great horse movies included Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken and of course National Velvet.

And, to toss in a movie that wasn't all horsey, I just loved The Three Lives of Thomasina.  Another cute, sweet classic Disney comedy.

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Be sure to come back for next week's topic, "A Time I was Scared".


  1. I don't think I ever saw Disney's The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit. I'm sure it's a good one. I may have to see if it's on Netflix.

    Sylvester! That's another good one I used to watch.

  2. I must have been missing out because I don't know any of those movies! :)

  3. I have never heard of any of these movies! I was a poor deprived child who grew up without a VCR so I guess I missed out on a lot of good movies!

  4. Add me to the list who hasn't heard of any of these!

  5. I do not recall if I have seen The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit or not - I am sure it was probably played on movie day at the academy I had attended in elementary school. They played all sorts of Disney films like Hot Lead, Cold Feet; Snowball Express; and the Apple Dumpling Gang. Of course they may have just had a thing for Dean Jones and Don Knotts =)

  6. Internet monkeys ate my first comment. I probably have seen the 2 Disney films even if I don't remember, because the academy I attended in elementary school had movie days - and they were always Disney films.

  7. Go get International Velvet!! Netflix doesn't have it, but I think does, and perhaps your local Blockbuster (or whatever your local video store is). If you enjoy Sylvester, you should enjoy International Velvet!

  8. I haven't heard of these, either! I have to get a movie post up (probably tomorrow, hope Memory Lane Saturday is OK!) ;)

  9. OMG, I loved Sylvestor! I actually just got in on netflix a couple of months ago and made my poor husband watch it


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