Monday, June 21, 2010

Prom 2010

The Mommyologist is hosting a bloggy prom.  When I first read about it HERE I realized that it was true.  I did have a closet with several fancy dresses that never get worn.  But did any of them fit? 
Just 10 months post-partum from the twins, my body still hasn't recovered.
The first 2 dresses, sadly, didn't work.
But then I found one that was a little more stretchy.
Now that I had a dress, I had to do this my own way.
See, I'm a self-professed tomboy.  Sometimes I might wear a dress or skirt to teach my classes.  And I wore a lot of dresses when I was preggo with the twins (because face it - nothing else would fit over The Belly).  But that's kind of the exception.  So if I'm going to do something like put on formal wear, I need to balance that out a little bit.  Guess what else is gathering dust besides my dresses because I'm so wrapped up in this whole raising-3-boys thing?
My dear, dear horse Phoenix.
Who better to take with me to prom?
Of course, the minute I walk out the door in my black formal dress and tall black riding boots, who do I see?
My neighbor, Joe.  Embarassing.
"Where are you going in that get up?"
To catch my horse, of course.
Scooter, our border collie, acted as chaperone.

Phoenix didn't even try to eat my corsage.  I trained him well.

Pierce watched us leave.  No kids allowed at this prom.

Phoenix wore his black tie - a dressage saddle and bridle in formal black, with a black velvet saddle pad.  I think we complimented each other well, don't you?

Course he desperately needs a hair cut.  What can you do though?  He was totally raised in a barn.

I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what others did for Blog Prom 2010.  Go check out the Mommyologist to find out!


  1. Your house seemed like a good date. Can I borrow him to go out to dinner?

  2. This is GREAT!! What a fun idea you put together, and great shots too -- each one! BTW, you do NOT look like you were pregnant 10 months ago, especially with more than one baby!! You look fantastic : )

  3. Love the dress and love that you brought such a cute date!! What a fun idea! Thanks so much for coming to my prom and for helping me bring back Mom Sexy!!

  4. That's fun! And of course you had to run into your neighbor while you were dressed up in a dress and boots!

  5. You look really good in that dress!!
    and your date is pretty handsome too! Thanks for sharing. =)

  6. OMG! LISA---you are DA BOMB! what a cute dress and look at you showing off those legs---love it!
    thanks so much for doing this. I'm about to post mine now!

  7. This is absolutely adorable and creative to say the least..Erin @ the MOther Load sent me over and I am glad she did. I agree you do not look like you just had a set of twins 10 months ago you are rocking the prom dress

  8. This is such a fun, creative idea! I love that you were so bold.

  9. yeehaw girl! i love what you did!

  10. Awesome! Love the one of you on your horse with the boots showin!!

  11. You ROCK! Ohmygosh, this is awesome!! :-) (I'm a fellow prom attendee, and was WendiWinn's date -- I'm so glad she saw this mentioned on your blog!)

  12. I'm stopping by from the prom. Gotta mingle! I love your dress and I love even more that you posed for photos ON A HORSE! Lol, what must the neighbors think? :)

    LambAround’s latest post: A Flower Delivery MYSTERY

  13. Oh my GOD!!!! You are tooooooo fucking cute! I love the dress and boots... HOT!!!!!

  14. LOL, I love that you did this your own way. What a wonderful prom date. Very creative indeed. He's a very handsome date. I'm jealous. Seriously. :)

  15. this is fabulous!! totally Mom sexy :)

  16. What a great dress! This sounds like it was so much fun!

  17. Just as I expected! Absoltuely the bell of the ball, Baby Girl! And to be escorted by such a gentleman, Phoenix, let alone have that handsome, muddy pawed, Scooter right along side! Is that make-up I see???? Now I know why Joe keeps making excuses to go to your house!!!!

  18. OMG! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! You are one hot mama!!! That is hilarious that you've actually got yourself up on your horse IN your dress. And those boots, amazing!! LOVE it!

  19. Look at you on the horse! Now that, ma'am is sexy! O M G!

  20. lol I so meant to say horse not house

  21. You are ten shades of awesome. I love that you got up on that horse in formal wear. Pure awesomeness.

    Is it weird that I got rid of all my formal dresses? Am I not a normal girl? I thought they were taking up too much closet space, so I took them to the Utah Mormon version of the Salvation Army.

  22. YOur photos are gorgeous and so are you! See you at the prom!

  23. You know have my vote for prom queen. not only are you absolutely beautiful, you are creative and true to yourself. Standing O for you my dear!

  24. Wow, I love your date! You and your horse are both gorgeous, what a fun idea!

  25. I'm absolutely jealous of your date. He's so tall, dark and handsome...
    OK enough drooling.
    Girl, you are smokin' in that dress. You look fantastic! It was great to meet you at the prom. Let's keep in touch. :-)

  26. Totally smokin' hot on that horse! Man, I could just never pull that off, LOVE IT!! So excited to go to Prom with people I LIKE! YAY!! :-D

  27. You look great! What a cute prom date!

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