Friday, July 9, 2010

Memory Lane Friday - A Game

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival to preserve your memories for your family.  Each week has a different topic, but you are welcome to write about any memory you'd like and link in.  This week's theme is "A Game".  Any type of game.  Board games, football games, Atari games, kick the can - you name it!

The game I remember we just called 'the coffeepot game'.

I think we got this game from a book of car games that we had for long road trips (we had a little RV).  The game is simple.  One person picks a word and the others try to guess what the word is, by substituting the word 'coffeepot'.  So say the player is thinking of the word 'skiing'.  The conversation might go like this:
"Can you coffeepot at night?"
"You can coffeepot at night, but it's not typical"
"Can you coffeepot in the house?"
"If you coffeepot in the house you might get in trouble"
"Can you coffeepot outside?"
"Can you coffeepot in the summer?"
"It depends on the type of coffeepotting you're doing"

Now I don't know what it was, but this game was always full of laughs and we never seemed to get sick of it.  It certainly made the drive go by faster!

Participating in Memory Lane Friday is easy.  Just grab the code beneath the button and copy/paste it into your blog post.  Then come back and add your link to Mister Linky. 

Don't forget to share the love and go leave comments on others' blogs!  See you next week I hope for the topic of "A Tourist Trap".


  1. That sounds like fun! You guys must've had a blast taking family trips in the RV. My dad somehow acquired an RV for a cross-country family trip. Fun times!

  2. That game does sound fun!! How fun it must have been to go on all those trips!?!

  3. That sounds like a fun game! Kinda like 20 questions only funnier 'cause you keep saying coffee pot over and over and over :-D

    I tried linking my post but that feature seems to be down temporarily on your page....i'll try again later

  4. Huh. Looks like Mister Linky is down. I tried to go into the website and I couldn't get in that way either. Sorry about that! Hopefully it'll be back up later!

  5. I love guessing games - what a neat game.

    I posted mine on my blog - I will get up here when Mr Linky is fixed. Bad Mr Linky, go to your room - lol

  6. Sounds like a fun game! We just had Slugbug. LOL

  7. I've never played that! Sounds fun.

    The game I loved when I was little was Sardines. It's like hide and seek, except when you find the person hiding, you hide WITH him/her. The last person to find everyone loses and is the next one to hide.

  8. Coffeepot has to be a verb. I still use this game when I am tutoring to help kids understand what a verb is.

  9. I was reading someone elses memory lane friday post (Nicole's)....I noticed your comment, just wondering if it was Taylor who puked on the joy stick. I would like to make fun of him for that :-D


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