Monday, July 12, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Loving the Grill

It's Muffin Tin Monday again.  Check out the cute muffin tin my mom found at a thrift store for us!
This is a typical summer-style meal at our house.
Watermelon, bean-spinach-tomato salad with a lime/olive oil vinagrette, grilled corn on the cob, and a hot dog.
I think Pierce's favorite food in the whole entire world is corn on the cob.  He was eating it at a very early age off the cob and never stopped.

Want to join in on MTM?  Click:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Now, just for Wendiwinn, Elvis Lives!
I did not put him up there, by the way.  Apparently, Elvis has decided it is his chickenly duty to be a guard bird.  So now he perches on this bear carving by our front door.  He actually sleeps there at night - I look out the door in the morning and there he is.  He definitely has a way of wigging out guests, who think that he's fake until they get close.  Good thing he's not prone to attack birding, huh?


  1. lmao 'chickenly duty'

    that bird would totally freak me out if I came to your door!

  2. How cool, I love that pan. The meal looks great too. I think Buddha Bear would be all over that one. Mainly because of corn on the cob, and then the watermelon.

  3. Your summer salad looks wonderful!

  4. That's a great, yummy looking tin!

  5. Great MTM! I love the tin, the polka dots are adorable! :)

    Elvis gives me the heebie jeebies, no offense. :p

  6. It looks like a wonderful summer meal! Elvis is still too funny. I think he'd keep me away.

  7. oh that tin is so CUTE! and that is a heck of a lot of corn, a child after my own heart. awesome job!

  8. I wish my kids would eat would be so much easier!

  9. Where could I find a polka dotted muffin tin? It's so cute!

  10. love the tin!! And that salad looks so yummy! glad I found you at the mom loop. you blog is a lot of fun!

  11. I couldn't find your email address link on your page so I'm going to leave a comment and hope that you read girls will be turning one at the end of the month and their birthday party is ice cream themed. I saw on Muffin Tin Mom's newest post for the muffin tin swap link up that you got your partner some really cute ice cream bowls with spoons...where did you happen to get those? Thanks so much!

  12. oh man. i love that tin. i want it. send it to me. wash it first.

    also. elvis. what a strapping young fowl. he's not guarding your front door. he's waiting for the mailman and the right opportunity to ship himself to me.


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