Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why Did the Chickens Cross the Driveway?

To check out our 3 year old, obviously!
It really amazes me how curious our chickens are.  They will follow Pierce to the moon.
Especially Foghorn and Leghorn.
They just love them some 3 year old boy.  They must like drama.  Or maybe it's the tie-dye.  After all, who can resist a good tie-dye?

And let's not forget Priscilla.  She's the one who keeps jumping in our car.  And look at her.  Just biding her time for a wagon ride....
Our chickens have been so much fun so far. 
Maybe one day they'll even lay eggs (sigh).


  1. How cute!! When my brother was a little over a year my parents had chickens and they would follow my brother around everywhere! Chickens are so funny!
    Hope yours start laying eggs soon

  2. Ha I love it! You should have Pierce give them a little talk about the poor egg production. :)

  3. Full grown chickens kind of scare me. Well, roosters scare me. I have an aunt that owned a ton of chickens and a super mean rooster when I was a kid, and she'd let them run freely around her yard. I was chased many a time by that winged spawn of satan.

    I'm still totally jealous of your land. At some point, I'm coming over to build my own house somewhere on it. You'll never notice I'm there. Ha, everyone reading this now thinks I'm a stalker.

  4. Maybe one day I'll get chickens (sigh).

  5. TOO cute. I love how your twins are looking at them. tee hee!

  6. something's happened to elvis. i just know it.


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