Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why Life with a 3 Year Old Can Drive You Crazy

This week we decided to head to Amazement Square with grandmother Cat Cat.  A day trip for us.  Drives with Pierce are currently an issue, because inevitably he wants 5 million things in his carseat, then drops them all on the floor and freaks out.  On this trip, my charming, albeit devious, child learned that if he drops something he can circumnavigate my typical response of "You'll just have to wait until we get there" by dramatically and emphatically screeching "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!!!!"
We made it in one piece to Amazement Square and I am now wise to Pierce's potty tricks.  No matter how dire he makes the situation appear.
The very first thing we discovered in the museum was this tractor in the 'barn' section.
Pierce is always waiting, waiting, waiting for Daddy to finish mowing our epic-huge yard.  So he was psyched to get to mow himself and with other kids.

The museum is 4 stories tall, so my mother and I finally managed to drag him away to go see what else there was to see.  And there was a lot.  Boats and roller coaster ball drops:
To which Pierce said, "I want to go mow".

Cort and Reid relaxed in the stroller.  They didn't say "We want to go mow".  Instead, they watched the drama unfold, and secretly wished I'd roll them past the clear elevator box again, which they loved observe.

We milked a cow and excavated for archaelogical finds.

And Pierce said, "I want to go MOW!"

We played doctor and used our heartbeats to make the drum go BOOM BOOM.

And Pierce said, "I WANT TO GO MOW!"

Hey Pierce!  Look!  You can go in this room and PAINT THE WALLS!!!


Look Pierce!  You can float boats down this river! 


But wait!  A zip line!  You know you want to do the zip line.  It's just like Diego!

My response?
Pierce, you sound just like your father.
His response?
"It's not time to go home yet.  I have to mow"


  1. so funny!! he'll be a big help at home once he gets a little older : )

  2. That is so funny!! He sounds like his daddy's little boy! LOL

  3. That looks like so much fun! I love the picture of the twins in their stroller. :)

  4. that place looks amazing! Wish I could take my kids there:) They would feel right at home in the room where they can paint the walls:)

  5. Getting him into it early... genius!!

    So I nominated you back on M&M... not because you nominated me first! You are my favorite twin blog, after all :)

  6. My lil peanut has that tractor!!!! She loves it!! Great photos :)

  7. I remember this with my oldest son. I tried extinction theory; you know, let 'em do it 'till they can't do any didn't work. Well, maybe it would have, but I went extinct LONG before he did! I do remember having to go on lots of long walks on Mason's Knob during those days to stay sane.

  8. just remind him of this when he's a teenager and refuses to mow the lawn for you! Sounds like a fun museum :-)

  9. That's so great! Maybe if you keep making him work for it, he'll take on the chore when he's older and always think he's playing!

  10. LOL! Sounds like he really loved the mower. Think Maddie would like that part too.
    That is a pretty neat museum, glad that you guys got to go though I am sure he enjoyed the other stuff too.

  11. Send him down to our yard... it will keep him busy for hours!

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I couldn't agree with you more about the importance of family time. It always outweighs all of the other "stuff" :)

    Have a beautiful day!

  12. Looked like an amazing place to visit! I would have never dragged my middle son out of the paint room...=)


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