Monday, August 2, 2010

Breakfast with MTM, a Pharoah, and an Interview

My MTM posts have been seriously lacking creativity lately.  I have an excuse though.  I'm just saving up my creativity for the reintroduction of themes coming later this month.  Yeah, that's it!
Pierce had apple juice (a treat - we do very little juice), sausage, scrambled eggs, a toasty fish with cherry butter, and watermelon.
My little pharoah liked all but the eggs.
Special thanks to Cat Cat for Pierce's Egyptian gear - he was styling last week at VBS.
Want to participate in MTM?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Also, please go visit GOOD GIRL GONE REDNECK today.  Andrea was kind enough to let me interview her for my upcoming trip to NYC.  My own private issue of NYC for Dummies, from someone who knows her stuff!  Can't wait to read all about it :-)


  1. JDaniel doesn't really like eggs either. I am going to sneak them into some tins this month. The tin looks great.

  2. We did breakfast this week as well. I love the costume. So cute!

  3. I have stayed at the Marriott in times square twice and it is very nice. We always walk to the hotel from Penn Station, it only takes about ten minutes. I agree with Andrea, the pizza at Paul's is pretty good. Good Luck on the Marathon.

  4. Uh if that's not creative, I don't know what is!!! I'm coming to your house for breakfast...that looks great!!

    Did you make the cherry butter? I've never heard of it!

  5. Helene, you get cherry butter in Michigan and it is the most wonderful stuff. I order it online now and then as a treat.

  6. Looks so yummy! We did a breakfast tin too! :)

  7. Do you think he didn't like the eggs because of bonding with the chickens? And, cherry butter! Now that sounds yummy!!! Perhaps on chocolate toast????

  8. I love your blog! Its so pretty!!

    Ive never done meals in muffin tins before. I'll have to try it and see if I can get my picky eaters to actually eat.

  9. love the fish! my girls often request snail sandwiches---that I use a snail cookie cutter for. i figure whatever gets them to eat, right?!?!

    Andrea is a great resource for NYC!!!

  10. cute tin. the fishy toast looks good.


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