Sunday, August 29, 2010

GIVEAWAY! Holidays Muffin Tin and Cookbook!!

Last week I hit 100 followers!  I was so excited that I wanted to do something to celebrate.  Since many of my following friends are through Muffin Tin Monday, I thought I'd focus on that (although you don't have to be a Muffin Tin Monday fan to enter).  And because I'm completely obnoxious about doing ALL of my holiday shopping by the end of October, I thought I would corrupt contribute to other OCD holiday shoppers.
So the giveaway is this:
One Christmas tree silicone muffin tin (or hey, use it for brownies!  or pumpkin bread!)
One Healthy Recipes for the Holidays cookbook (and if you don't like to eat healthy, you could always use it as a gift)
One cute picture frame holiday ornament, that says "Joy to you and yours"

How can you enter?  I'm keeping it simple.  None of that follow me or tweet this business (although it would be totally cool if you did follow me or tweet this; it's not required).
Just leave a comment that you want to win.
Only one entry per person.
If you're not a blogger, be sure to leave your email so I can get in touch with you.
That's it.
Giveaway ends at midnight September 4th.  I'll pick a winner by  If winner does not respond by email within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen.
Good luck, and welcome to new followers.  I look forward to getting to know you more!


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Congrats on the 100 follower mark! Sign me up :-)

Mere said...

Incase I start participating in MTM (sometime in the distant future), I think I should enter...I may also just start a collection of unique shaped muffin tins :-)

My Mad World said...

Congrats on hitting 100 followers! Yea!!

I would love to enter, that tin is so cute!! I need to start searching for some cute ones. After seeing your MTM and seeing all the cute ones out there, it's really tempting to join in!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I want that muffin mold so much. I could make Christmas Tree Soap in it! Pick me, pick me!!!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Congrats on reaching 100!

I want to enter!! :)

Unknown said...

congrats on 100+ followers! hooray for giveaways, too!


Suburban prep said...

What a great mold. It would be perfect for cranberry "squares" for the holidays.

Elizabeth said...

Matilda would totally dig some muffin Christmas tree's! You can reach me at

The Princess said...

Woohoo 100! Sign me up - I am all ready working on my gofts for everyone - my goal is to have all sewing gift projects finished by Oct 31st. Then I can focus on the baking!

Andrea said...

And I get to say I knew you when! Yay! Congrats on a milestone (and then some, I see!) ... I'd love to win. Thanks for the chance. :>

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You deserve a big YEAH!
I love the idea of pumpkin bread in that tin so, Baby Girl count me in...:) JP

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. This would be a great Christmas Muffin Tin Monday tin.

Alison said...

I was jumping for you when I hit 5 followers, so wow and congrats on your 100th! If you're shipping internationally I'd like to enter the give-away :)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Congrats!!! Hitting 100 is defiantly a milestone and so glad I am here to help you celebrate. Of course I would love to win too..with Christmas around the corner this would be perfect!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Dana said...

Looks fun! Can't wait to see all the fun ways to use it.

Michelle said...

Congrats on 100+ followers...I would love to win this giveaway, thank you hosting it!

kme0310 at

Jami Schoettler said...

I found you through Muffin Tin Mondays. I would love to win this. I just started making meals like this for my son because I've had such a hard time getting him to eat. I haven't "joined" Muffin Tin Mondays yet, but I love getting ideas from all of you. Jami

snowsquirt86 at hotmail dot com

Jill said...

Congrats on the 100 mark!!!! YEAH! I just came across your blog today and let me just say, "WHERE HAVE I BEEN???!!!!"" Your MTM ideas are ADORABLE and I am very interested in keeping up with the blogs! Please sign me up!
Mother of 7 1/2 year old Kyleigh, and 1 year old Lilly

Jaime said...

I want to win! The muffin tin is pretty cool! Congrats on your 100!


Ludicrous Mama said...

I'd love to win! Then my husband can't be mad about me BUYING one!

~LKB said...

Congrats on 100! I'd love to win that super cute tin (and the cookbook too)!

Christy said...

How fun! We'd love to win! Although I'd have to go out and hunt down two more exactly like this one, lol. ;)

Holly said...

Oh, I would LOVE to win!!!

Anonymous said...

This would be fun to win -- a treat for me, myself, and I!

Meredith said...

How cute!!! I love muffin tins!!!

Rochellepebbles said...

What a cute Giveaway!