Sunday, August 1, 2010

July Fitness Recap

Things really came together this month and I had a pretty decent month of training.  Particularly considering how miserably hot it has been.  The recap:
  • Two 5Ks.  They finally did post the results of the first 5K, but with a note saying the times were messed up because 14 people didn't get times.  I think my time is about 1 minute off, so I'm ignoring it.  I also ran a 5K in mid-July and ran 25:41 for that one.  I placed 2nd in my age group.  It was HUMID that morning.  I'm glad I ran it, but I can't help but think that, sadly, 2 years ago I ran 23:00 flat in this particular race.  I hope that one day I'll get that back!
  • Total mileage this month = 111.  So I finally passed the 100 mile mark for the first time since having the twins.  Good stuff!
  • Weightlifting x 6. 
  • Yoga x 3
  • Ab work x 8
  • Track x 3 BUT I did have the two 5Ks which count as speedwork too.
Overall, I'm pleased with this month.  I do need to ramp up the speedwork more, but am struggling to do so with the heat being what it has.  Plus, if I wasn't so slow, what would I beat myself up over?  ;-)  As my mileage increases in the next few months in prep for the NYC marathon, it is likely that things like weightlifting will decrease.  This is kind of the norm for me, and realistically with 3 kids under the age of 4, I can only do so much ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a busy month you had! I think you did a wonderful job and should give yourself a big pat on the back! :)


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