Friday, August 20, 2010

Memory Lane Friday - Bad Hair Day

Memory Lane Friday is a time to preserve your memories for your family.  Each week is a different theme, and this week's theme is "Bad Hair Day".

Certainly I had plenty of pictures to choose from.  Boring brown hair prone to frizz leaves the door wide open.  But by far the worst bad hair episode is from the 80s.  OF COURSE IT IS!

I was in middle school, and Jessica N. had the greatest hair.  She had the perfect perm - even her bangs were permed and they had the perfect crimped look on a daily basis.
I begged my mom to replicate the look with a home perm.
The result was a lot of tears - such bad hair that even my Swatch shirt and acid wash jeans couldn't undo the uncool poodle factor that was my hair.

Thank goodness that bangs grow out fast, huh?
I certainly never tried the perm trick on my bangs again!

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Be sure to come back next week.  The topic is "A Goof at Work".


  1. I 'totally' remember the 80's hair style! I was right there with ya!! lol I think it looks good compared to my bad hair 'day' which I said was year lol

  2. Ah, yes, the '80s permed look. If I'd had one of those photos on my laptop, you would've seen ME sporting one of those hairstyles!

  3. I gave my daughter that exact same look!! Too funny what society can do to us!...:)

  4. I haven't had a hair day in 16 years! And hey, my bangs never grew back out!

  5. I'm your 98th follower! I dont even want to remember how I looked back then! lol - NKOTB was probably somewhere on my body :) Here from MomLoop!

  6. I remember when perms like yours were the rage. I was worn with the look and didn't need a perm.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I promise you my perm/poodle 'do was far worse than yours. So bad, in fact, that while tempted to share to prove it, I'm too mortified. no more perms!


  8. I had a perm a few years ago, but when I was in elementary school I had one of those crazy bowl cuts. You know, it looked like someone literally put a bowl over my head and cut around it. I had to live like that for years. HA!

    Stopping in from Mom Loop.

  9. My hair + humidity = lots of bad hair days. had a very tight perm once with the humidity and it was not a good thing. Straightened it a week later!

    I am stopping by from Mom Loop and just signed up to follow your blog. Follow mine if you would like. I have more then one, if you find one that interests you.

    I really enjoyed your post!!
    Have a great weekend!


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