Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And You Thought a Wet Cat was Pathetic!

Seriously, there is nothing so sad as a wet chicken.
Poor Elvis!
She doesn't seem to mind the rain, though. 
She could find shelter, but she doesn't bother.
I guess it's like a nice bath to her.
We had a scare the other week when we thought Elvis was missing.  This was immediately following Natasha's catastrophe of getting stuck in the wood pile for 2 days (she's fine).
We didn't know what was going on!
Then Elvis turned up in the coop, right where she was supposed to be.
But this is odd, because she normally never sleeps in the coop.
Paul says all of the chickens are acting weird.
I think they're just inherently weird by nature.
I mean look at this mess:
They certainly keep things interesting!

WV Treasures does a weekly link up for unusual animal pictures.  This week I'm linking up to Tuesday's Show and Tail for the first time.  Go check out her blog HERE!


  1. BWAHAHAH oh Love this picture, their hide and seek skills apparently work on ya'll though lol. Gotta have some kind of fun on the farm

  2. Oh my goodness! Look at that chicken! Hahahaha! I love it.

  3. oh man. that's not elvis. that's tina turner. also. dang. i thought elvis was a boy this whole time. i've been calling her him. meh. that's what godmothers do anyway.

  4. Now you should have entered her in Bad Hair Day! And, truth be told...I told you she was a weird one...very independent...:)JP

  5. Elvis is a perfect name...ever try feeding peanut butter and banana sandwiches?

  6. I have a friend who has a chicken like this, and she has to trim its top feathers so it can see, otherwise it will walk around with its neck turned to the side, trying to look out from under that mop!

  7. Oh poor poor Elvis I have to say that made me laugh a little. Tell him I like the new hair. I don't think the actual "King" would approve. He always seemed to be perfectly groomed. :)

    Stay dry Elvis!

  8. Welcome to Tuesdays' Show & Tail! I love the name Elvis for your chicken! lol It is so fitting. I'm glad she came back home. Wonder where she was? She sure is a sight all wet like that. lol

    Thanks for sharing wet Elvis with us this week!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  9. Livie loved the chicken, too! And she loved that the chicken's name is Elvis!

  10. That poor chicken!!! That is truly pitiful looking! Sounds like Elvis left the building, then had a SCARY adventure and decided the building was a safer place to be! :)
    We had a chicken of that kind that we called Einstein. He was raised in the house in my son’s bedroom and only taken out when we could watch him. The first time we left him out for about 10 minutes on his own, a hawk got him and all we found was a few feathers! My son was so devastated! He really loved that little bird. Einstein was about 6 months old. Our Einstein was banty sized…

    My mom had a chicken that was speckled red and white with a top-knot like this and he had been hand raised by a friend of hers that went into a home and had to find a good home for her chickens. He was so friendly and loved to cuddle. He “saved” me one time and THAT is when I found out that chickens can actually THINK! There was a mean “fighting chicken” hen (another one given to my Mom… fighting is NOT what we would do) and she had her chicks up on the roof of the chicken pen where the pigeons nested. When they hatched, I was afraid they would fall to their deaths, so went up to bring them down and Mama ATTACKED me! That pet rooster flew up there and herded the Mama into a corner and held her there until I was able to get the chicks down to safety. I would NEVER have believed something like that if I hadn’t seen it myself! Grammy from Corgi Country

  11. By the way, your blog is white on white and I had to highlight the words to be able to read them... At least that's the way it came up twice when I tried to reload after it came up that way the first time.

  12. this picture just makes me laugh .....

  13. Definitely an odd little thing for sure! It reminds me of those dogs that are hairless on their body but then have hair on their head. ha ha ha!


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