Saturday, September 4, 2010

Carseats - They're Not Just for Cars

You think Diego is the latest rage?  Dora?  Zhu Zhus and Wonder Pets?  In our house, the latest big hit is....the spare carseat booster.

Turns out everyone wants a turn.

I was just grateful to have a "toy" that didn't involve picking up 4 million little pieces


Myya said...

That is funny because we have an extra carseat that sits by the front door & all 3 of my girls play in it every day. Hmmm if only I didn't have all the million piece toys too!!! :)

jennohara said...

:) I hear ya! Bring on the carseats!! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I have an extra one in the garage. Maybe I should bring it in.

Mere said...

that is such a precious picture of all three of them!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Looks like Pierce is really enjoying his little brothers...note I didn't say "baby" now that they're one...:)

Andrea said...

Most excellent. That is a great toy! I love it! :)

So, uhm, hey, now that you've seen my post today - wanna guest post for me for the blog hop one of these coming Mondays? Smooches ... :>

My Mad World said...

It's amazing the things kids love to play with! Maddie did the same thing when we had our extra one in the house.. unfortunately we gave it to grammy..
Great pics!