Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Ever Attempt at Bento!

Pierce started preschool this week.  One of the things I was excited about was packing his lunches.  Pierce's lunches have to be kosher, so he can have dairy products but no meats.  I wanted to make them extra fun, so I've been ordering tons of bento supplies from Japan through Ebay.  I'm still waiting on a few things to arrive.

Then, something really cool happened; I got lucky.  Because I won this awesome bento goodie giveaway over at A Pocket Full of Buttons.  Go check her out HERE.

Can't wait to put these things to good use.

So for Pierce's first bento lunch, I picked the piggy bento box that we ordered from Japan.  It's a double tiered bento.

In the top tier, he had a ghosty egg on a bed of lettuce, and grapes with a cheese heart.

The bottom tier had fluffernutter roll ups with an elephant pick, yellow cherry tomatoes with another cheese heart, cucumbers, and a dog full of ranch dressing for dipping his veggies.
On the side Pierce had some go-gurt (which grosses me out but he loves it) and a Roarin' Waters Capri Sun.

The teachers told me first thing when I walked in to pick him up that they were very impressed with his lunch.  Meanwhile, Pierce himself was ignoring his lunch but trying to steal the Ritz crackers off the kid beside him.  Oh well, I tried, right?  ;-)


  1. I am buying Pierce a box of Ritz crackers.

  2. Why does his lunch have to be kosher?

  3. That looks fantastic! WTG! I would be impressed if it were my lunch. :o)

  4. so last night while I was working nightshift I was brain storming about christmas gift ideas. Suddenly a lightbulb clicked on and I started thinking about how you like to make such creative lunches for pierce and I began researching Bento Boxes!!! Imagine my surprise when I read your post today! HAHA too funny. :-)

  5. I would try to steal his lunch.

  6. Congrats on winning the bento stuff!! How lucky!
    What a great lunch!!

  7. love the piggy! Where did you order it from? so cute!

  8. How cute is that!!! What a great way to make his lunch fun!

  9. Love the piggie box and you did an awesome job on your first bento! Don't worry mama he may not get it now, but give him a little while and you will never be able to make a "normal" lunch again. All he'll ask for is the

  10. What cute ideas. I run a preschool in my home, so I am going to keep coming back to see what fun ways you've come up with to serve food. I grew up on sandwiches, but my kids aren't so regular. I stopped in from Mom Loop. Glad I found your blog!


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