Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Four Letter D Word

I'm fortunate in that I like to run, because in general my body keeps me at a healthy weight.  I don't have to think about it a lot.  While I was breastfeeding the twins, my body was hanging out at a higher weight than usual - about 9 pounds higher.  Some people say they get really skinny while breastfeeding, but not me!  I don't think it's good for your baby(ies) to diet while breastfeeding.  So I just let my weight do it's thing, even though I wasn't happy with the pooch that was my belly (it seemed that all 9 pounds was centralized in the belly, and my clothes really weren't fitting correctly as a result).  Certainly, I was still in a healthy weight range for my height, but it was not a weight I was happy about.  Now that the twins are weaned, and it's time to get to business.

I put myself on a diet.  That's right, the four letter D word.  I don't normally have to diet.  I eat healthy, for the most part.  And I don't have that much to lose.  So I gave myself the generous 1800-2200 calorie range and decided to just focus on healthy foods, and counting calories.  I realize that this seems like a lot of calories for a 'diet', but since I'm running 35+ miles a week right now, and I'm 5'8, this is a fitting target range for me.  And coming from someone who is used to munch, munch, munching throughout the day, it takes a great deal of willpower for me to stick to the plan.  In fact, I have to write down what I eat, otherwise I would definitely "accidentally" cheat.

I'm thrilled to report that it's been working splendidly.  I'm down 5 pounds, and only have 4 more to go!  And already my running feels so much lighter, and my joints recover from my long runs much faster.  My hope is that I can get down to my prepregnancy weight (which also happens to be my happy marathon weight - the weight at which I feel strong for marathons, yet light enough that I don't carry a lot extra into the race) by Halloween.  Why by Halloween?  Because if my weight is stable in the happy zone by then, I can indulge in some of those Reeses miniature cups that I love so dearly.  Without guilt.
Bring it on.


  1. 9 lbs is all you had to lose? Good grief I have a boob that weighs more then that. Good luck on your running and marathon

  2. Congrats on almost reaching your goal! You're lucky you love to run.

    Also, you're lucky and won on my blog!

  3. Hey...that picture of those that in your house already? I doubt that you took that shot in the grocery store...:)

  4. Congrats on the weight loss! Its tough for sure no matter how much you have to lose!

  5. that's the coolest and most chic scale i've ever seen!

    i call it the "mommy pouch" and i don't think it will ever fully go away.

  6. Good for you!!! I hope you get to where you want so then you can eat peanut butter cups by the handfuls :) I am that way when I nurse too. I thought I was crazy for thinking this!!! I hold on to extra weight even more so when I am nursing, I've had a heck of a time this time around. Nursing is going to be coming to an end soon, I am not setting a limit for her but I feel it is coming & hopefully then I can really do something. I just feel like a chubby flabby blahhh blob lately.

  7. Great job on the weight loss! I was super skinny when breastfeeding and then gained about 10 pounds after. I can't seem to find the willpower to get rid of it. Good job on the running and eating right!


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