Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Guilty Pleasures Blog Swap

I do love blog swaps.  And this time I really lucked out with a wonderful swap partner.  Since 'meeting' her, she has been a great commenter on my blog, and an excellent emailer.  It's just too bad she lives all the way on the other side of the U.S.!  Check out her blog HERE because you will be dazzled by all the wonderful pictures she takes of her 3 girls.

So look how cute she wrapped up the package:

All the goodies had notes on them too.

Here's the loot:
An O magazine, a construction pad plus tons of stickers and foam shapes for the boys, shaving gel from Avon (which I have never tried!), two wonderfully scented candles, some Bath and Body Works sleep spray, a Firecracker - which is spicy chocolate (so excited to try this!), Reeses cups (she read this is my weakness, lol), nail polish, and a Starbucks gift card.  The gift card is just in time too.  Because I adore Pumpkin Lattes at Starbucks but am too cheap to treat myself to them. 

Thanks so much, Myya!
And thanks to Mamarazzi, who hosted the whole thing.  Her blog, Our Dandelion Wishes, can be found HERE.  I have to say, she knows how to host a very organized swap!


  1. Oh man that stuff is awesome! I love blog swaps :)

  2. Oh, incredible! I'm so psyched to hear you got an amazing partner. She truly must have grown to know you to send you all those perfect goodies! Yum.

  3. So glad you had as good of a time as I did with this swap! I am so looking forward to "following" you for a long time to come. Thanks for the recipe for the lip balm, I am so excited to try it! :)

  4. yay...i love Myya and i knew she would send you something amazing. thanks for the shout out. i hope you join us again for the next swap. YOU also sent an awesome package!!

  5. What a package! It has so many wonderful things.

  6. Its always fun to get a gift in the mail!

  7. Starbucks gift card? Lucky woman! :)

    The swaps are so fun.


  8. How fun! You really did get some great things.

  9. Myya is such a sweetheart, I just love her to pieces! I have got to try that "firecracker" thing...sounds interesting!

  10. I adore Pumpkin Spice Lattes, too. Goes great with those PB cups. ;p Cool stuff! Awesome!

  11. Wonderful goodies! And I love pumpkin spice Lattes too!


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