Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halloween GIVEAWAY!

This giveaway is now closed.
So I realize I just recently did a giveaway to celebrate 100 followers.  And while I don't consider myself to be in the giveaway business, I didn't want to miss out on all the fun at the Multiples and More Blog's end of the summer blog carnival (button on my sidebar, if you want to go check it out).  So, yes, I'm doing another giveaway.  I hope you don't mind ;-)

What do I love about fall?
Besides our loaded apple trees, painted leaf mountains, and chilly morning runs?
Well, Halloween of course!
Seems like people seem to either love it or hate it.
I'm in the love it camp.

The goodies:
floating candy corn candles
a hardback Haunted House book with 'lift the flaps' action (my son adores these books)
an Igor carry along 'make your own evil monster' coloring kit

How fun is this stuff?

To enter please leave me a comment and tell me about your favorite Halloween costume.  Easy, huh?  If your email is not attached to your blogger profile, please leave your email address so I have a way to contact you.
You do not have to be a blogger to enter.
I will be willing to ship internationally.  Hopefully it would get there by Halloween (lol).
Giveaway ends on Tuesday, September 21st, at noon.  Winner announced the following day.  Winner to be chosen by
Good luck!


  1. Yay - sign me up! My favorite Halloween costume is probably split between the year I went as a pencil or the time that I went as a ballerina... in 2nd grade :-) I still have that costume, ha ha!

  2. When I was a kid, Halloween was great because everybody waited until October 31 and then went through their dad's closet to come up with a costume. My best one was the year I was a hobo.

  3. My favorite halloween costume was a witch. Not too far of a stretch. ;)

  4. Oh, sign me up, please! My favorite Halloween Costume has a story - My friend was going to be handing out candy and she likes to make the kids "earn" it! They set up a display in front of their homes with spooky blinking lights, an owl, and a Frankenstein to the side of their walk way (they get into the season BIG TIME!), where all the children would see the decorations. As the kids approached the house, Frankenstein hopped stiffly to his feet, arms straight out ahead of him, making a scary noise, and startling the children! They had so much fun! They were careful not to do this to the tiny little princesses or anyone of a very young age, however! Don't want to cause them to have to go for counseling at 2 years of age!!!

  5. My fav costume I ever wore was a unicorn made by my grandmother. May fav of my kids was my twins' first H'ween where they were a pirate and a mermaid :)

  6. my favorite was probably a Raggedy Ann costume my mom made for me when I was little

  7. My favorite costume as a kid was a ballerina. My favs for my kids were the fairy costumes I made a couple of years back.

  8. My favorite was whatever allowed me to wear my PJ's. I think one year it was sleepover, One year it was a baby...

  9. Awesome giveaway, we love Halloween! My most fav costume was when I was 8 and my mom ratted my hair like a lions main and hand painted my face like a leopard with glitter spots, it was awesome and I still have the pic! Thanks for the giveaway!


  10. I posted earlier but it went by by. I remember one year I made a my own costume. I was a little Indian girl. My mom help me pain my face and I had little moccasins.

  11. Cute stuff!!
    My favorite costume was some silly troll costume that my mom came up with. She even found some plastic ears and nose to go along with it!

  12. When I was little I loved my pirate costume that my mom made for me!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  13. I love Halloween~! Every year I make Halloween people to represent our family. It's so much fun and people stop by and have their children stand next to the pumpkin family and take pictures.
    When I was little~ Halloween was a big thing. We always went house to house and then ended up at my Mom's friends house with all the kids that lived on 619 road and she served hot chocolate and popcorn and she would always play the Xylephone and her piano. She played rag-time music.. Memories are a wonderful thing to have. I dressed up as a scare crow one year and the straw was so itchy.. I was so glad to take that costume off. Happy Halloween to all~! I have 8 huge pumpkins in my garden this year just waiting to be carved for the magic night.

  14. Shrek and Princess Fiona!

    Tina M

  15. My favorite costume was a ballerina, I love it.

  16. My baby was a pumpkin last year, so cute!

    hungrymonkey09 at gmail dot com

  17. My favorite costume was a bag of cotton candy. I got a huge clear trash bag cut a hole out for my head & arms then filled the inside with pillow stuffing I had spraypainted light pink & then sealed the bottom. Man that was a fun year!!!

  18. I was Hermione Granger from the HP books once. I'd love to do her again this year or something just for fun. :)

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  19. I am making my girls angel costumes this year and am so excited!!!

    Thanks for hosting a give away!!!

  20. Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite Halloween costume was being a fairy tale princess as a child.

    mandalarctic at gmail dot com

  21. I always love the classic kitty, complete with face point!

    six_one_nine_girlie (at) yahoo (dot) com

  22. My favorite costume was Tinker Bell....=)
    I was a Big peter Pan fan....
    Thank You

  23. My favorite as a kid was when I went as a bag of Jelly Belly jelly beans. We took a large, clear trash bag, and cut two holes in the bottom (leg holes). Then we loosely threaded ribbon through holes punched around the circumference of the bag about 6 inches from the top. I attached a hand-drawn Jelly Belly logo. Then, I got in the bag and we filled it with multi-colored balloons.

    For my kids, my favorite (of the two we've used so far) is definitely the Jack of Spades costume I made for Island Boy last year. Took a pillow case, cut arm holes and a head hole, and then drew the picture from the card onto the front using pencil and then Sharpie markers. Turned out so, SO cute!

  24. My favorite halloween costume is the one i want to buy for my 1 year old and my 2 year old- barney and baby bop.

    tcogbill at live dot com

  25. My favorite halloween costume was the year I made one for my stepdaughter. She and her father loves playing the video game Soul Calibur so I made her an outfit of her favorite character Sophitia. She loved it and it was just so much fun to make. HOmemade costumes are the best

    giveawaymommy at

  26. Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite Halloween costume is a classic THE WITCH. When I was younger my favorite costume I wore was one my mom spent all night on her sweing machine making and it was a princess. AHHH memories.
    hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

  27. I love this magenta and black and white sparkly pirate costume my daughter wore last year. She was 10 months old and adorable in it.

  28. my best costume was a witch, my mom worked so hard sewing it and making it just right. i had the shoes and hat and beautiful dress to wear, i will never forget that halloweern

  29. My favorite costume was a red crayola crayon my friend made for my daughter.

  30. My favorite costume was a crayola crayon my friend made for my daughter.


  31. My favorite costume was a dead bride, scary, but fun!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from my readers!