Monday, September 27, 2010

A Healthier Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday didn't have a theme this week.  So we actually just used an everyday dinner for ours.
A glass of water, wild rice pilaf with extra mushrooms for Pierce, a skewer of avocado and carrots, a kiwi, and italian seasoned baked catfish.

It went over pretty well.  Except Pierce picked all the mushrooms out to eat from the rice and wouldn't touch the rice itself.  Oh well.

An extra special thanks to Muffin Tin Mom this week....I won her Nintendo DSi giveaway!  It was put on by the Game Stop and you can imagine how psyched and surprised I was to win.  If you haven't checked out her blog, you definitely should.  She has tons of ideas for kids (it's not just about muffin tins!)
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. that Italian seasoned catfish sounds good...:)JP

  2. Congrats on your win! The fish looks awesome. We are trying to eat more fish at our house.

  3. I appreciate your Muffin Tin Monday.. Actually I look forward to seeing what you have on your blog.. My grandson, Ben is such a picky eater that your hints have been so helpful. He likes cut-up vege's and fruit that I make for him in shapes. I bought some miniture cookie cutters for stars , dogbones, and other shapes.. He seems to at least be interested in tasting some of these shapes.. I tell him to just taste it and if he doesn't like it ~ IT'S o.k. Thanks for all your help... You are tiggeriffic~!

  4. Super delish tin and congrats on the win, that's huge!!

  5. Looks good! I'm actually making catfish tonight.

  6. very cool! At least he mushrooms! My boys won't touch them!

  7. MMMmmm! Looks like a good lunch. Congrats on the DS too!

  8. I totally LOVE this muffin tin Monday thing. I am excited to see what new things you put in there. I need to get me some cute tins, I think my girls would respond really well to this!

  9. Love that muffin tin!! SO cute!


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