Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Look What the Mail Brought In

Look what the mail brought in.
Last week we went to the Transportation Museum.  I know I've blogged about it before (as we make fairly frequent trips) so I tried to focus on different pictures this time.
It's a nice place to hit early morning, before it gets too hot, and we can follow it up by meeting Daddy for lunch.

Everyone enjoys all the model trains, and they have tons of them running all over the place.  I love how they have the little windows at kid's eye level.

The playground is perfect for any aspiring driver.

Course Pierce always has to drive the race car too.  Even though he totally bonked his head on it last time and cried for 20 minutes.  Bygones.

Pierce, running up the ramp with downtown Roanoke in the background.


  1. That looks like fun! Sorry I couldn't make the trip with you (at the Y all morning)..maybe another time..:)JP.

  2. Love that first picture. Looks like they had a blast.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! Wish we had something like that around here.


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