Monday, September 20, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Shapes

If you haven't had a chance to enter my Halloween giveaway yet, be sure to do so, as it ends tomorrow.  You can find it HERE.

It's Muffin Tin Monday, and today's theme is shapes.

We did rectangle kiwi, cheese cubes, circle of bread w/ jam (as we just read Bread and Jam for Francis) and triangular baby corn.
Pierce ate everything on his plate.  Then he asked for a second lunch.
Growth spurt much?

Want to join in Muffin Tin Monday?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

JDaniel would love two lunches. When he lunch at playgroup, he want a "house" lunch when we get home. The corn was great idea.

Island Mom said...

So cute! Island Boy would love the baby corn. I'll have to keep that idea in mind for the future.

Chicken Wrangler said...

Great spread! Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Its funny how some days they eat you out of house and home and the next day, not enough to feed a bird, or chicken as the case may be.

Alison said...

Mmmm, healthy enough to be given seconds and thirds, yummy enough to ask! Great job mum :D

My Mad World said...

Looks good and lots of fun!!
You come up with the most creative lunches!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Looks so delish and I love how you used the baby corn for triangles..creative!

Tiggeriffic said...

WOW~! having hard time getting Ben (3 1/2) to eat. THis is a great idea.. I'll just cut his food into shapes.. Looks very attractive too. Isn't that the key to cooking? Making your food colorful and attractive...He is coming over I'll get things ready..

LitLass said...

Looks delicious! I keep meaning to get those teddy bears.

Meredith said...

oh I just love those little bears! They're so cute! and I remember you saying you got the duck feet cups at TJMaxx. Sadly, I didn't see any...but I'm so looking forward to a better sea life themed lunch!

Myya said...

I haven't thought about baby corn for my girls... what a great idea!!!

Evelyn @ Hanging by a Silver Lining said...

What a cute idea! Those are some super cool muffin tins. Wandering in from Myya's swap post...