Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Out with the Old, in with the New

I am Asics most loyal fan.  I will not stray from my dear, dear Asics Gel Nimbus model running shoes.
Prior to discovering this shoe I endured such indignities as blistering, plantar faschiatis, and other painful ailments.
And then I found the Asics Gel Nimbus.
Pricy?  Sure.
But so worth the money.
Once, only once, many years ago, I strayed.
I tried a different pair.
And they lasted 100 miles less. 
My Asics?  They carry me through 500 miles, every single time.
I know, because I track the mileage on my shoes.  Towards the end of 500, I can feel more aches in my joints, and I know it's time for a new pair.
This pair right here?
They've carried me through rain and mud.  Over crickets, spiders, and once a black snake.  They've crushed blades of grass and rocks and pounded on sizzling hot summer pavement.
They've caught my clumsy trips and stumbles.
And they've raced.  Distances of 5K, 10 miles, and a half marathon.
Good shoes.
Thank you dear Asics.
And now, it is time to retire.
But never fear.  My new pair is here!

Behold, the running shoes destined for the NYC marathon!!
Now that's some new shoe excitement!


  1. Yay for NY! I feel the same way about my New Balance 106X series. I started with 1061's and now I'm at 1064. I can only get 400 miles and *poof* that's it for mine.

  2. They'll move out of your way in NYC with those for sure, Baby Girl...:)JP

  3. What a great post!! I have tried Asics before but maybe I need to try them again. I have had plantar faschiatis too. I have such high arches! I usually wear the adidas adiprene because they are the only ones that won't make my feet hurt.

    I am sure your new shoes are very thankful to come to you! They get a trip to NYC out of it too!! lol

  4. Ahhh! New running shoes! Those will feel good, I'm sure! And I know what you mean about being loyal to a particular running shoe.

    (By the way, I was momentarily confused by the day, thinking I'd forgotten to write my Memory Lane Friday post about new shoes!)

  5. Ohhhh pretty! Don't you just love when you find something that you just love & never want to try a different thing again. I wouldn't know about the whole running thing though LOL.
    They should TOTALLY send you a new pair free... that was a great testiment to them :)

  6. off the subject of you have a JoAnn's fabric near you? I found a cute dinosaur sandwich cutter for $1! I'll post a picture tomorrow for A's thursday bento lunch.

  7. Ha! This cracks me up. Because, I wanted to be a runner. So I insisted on getting some Asics, which I love. But sadly I still HATE running! lol


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