Sunday, September 26, 2010

Piercasso or a Chia Pet?

Pierce has been going to preschool and he seems to be having a wonderful time.  In fact, he's practically gleeful and shoving me out the door during drop off.

Anyhow, this week he came home with some really fabulous artwork.
He even wrote his own name on it, not Diego (hello, progress!).

So okay, this could be a self-portrait.
Because sometimes Pierce has some seriously crazy hair when he gets up in the morning.
It could also be a chia pet.  You know, one of the ones where grass grows on the head of a funny face.
What do you think?


  1. I'm no art critic, however the first that jumps out at me is the SMILE & that is a good thing!...:)JP

  2. that is so cute! I'm so excited for Hailey to start school so she can bring me home her art. :)

    Pierce has quite a talent!

  3. :) What an artist you have! So cute!

  4. Hmmn. P-I-E-R-C-E (6 letters) ... D-I-E-G-O (5 letters) -- and yet, if I looked at that again it COULD say Diego. ;)

    I love the drawing. It's adorable! Definitely!

  5. Green is my favorite color... I think the greatest part of the picture is Pierce's smile.
    I love children's artwork.. I made a scapebook of all my children's artwork.. (4)..they are just priceless.. I bought a frame and framed some of their artwork and hung it throughout the house. It's a great memory and they even remember their pictures on the walls in our house. my children are all grown now...

  6. Ahh, sweet! You never know!

  7. Love his portrait, and I don't know about you, but I can't throw any of my kids' art away. It's all so precious!


  8. What a beautiful picture! He did a wonderful job. I love how big that smile is too!!

  9. I think it is perfect whatever it is!
    Don't you just love those backward R's :)

  10. Chia pet! I love them...always wanted to try to grow one on my head!


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