Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Running Recap - August Mileage

August flew by!
And look what I got in the mail...

I'm so ridiculously excited about this marathon.
I also worry about it. 
Not worry about how fast I'll run or whether I'll finish.
I'm don't worry about that.
Instead, I worry I'll get injured during my training.  I've just spent so much time trying to get into this race!
Hopefully it'll go smoothly.
I'm doing a much longer build up than usual for me, mostly because I continue to struggle with hip problems.
I did get an adjustment at the chiropractor last week, and he said my pelvis was locked in place and didn't have any flexibility.  Hopefully the adjustment will help.
So anyhow, total mileage this month = 125 miles.
No races in August.
Due to the track being on lock down, I didn't get in my usual track workouts, but I did make an effort to do some tempo and farklets at home.
I dropped the weights I was doing so I could focus mostly on mileage.
Unfortunately, I didn't really get in yoga and that would be beneficial to my training.
I'm pleased with the mileage, and expect to see another increase this month.  The end of September and the beginning of October will be the peaks in my training.  Thankfully, it should be a little cooler by then!


  1. I am praying for you to be safe during training and enter NY in full health and ready to race.

  2. How exciting! I'm not a runner but I always said I would be one day. Maybe I will eventually get back to it and drop the weight to get back in the game and run again *I have - briefly in the past*

    Be careful and have fun!

  3. Baby Girl, focus on YOU because you know what to do & when. You know I'm rooting for ya to stay strong and healthy!!...:)JP

  4. I want to send you best wishes, good vibes and strength for your run. If you are up for coffee and a snack after do leave me a blog note.
    Thank you for visiting my WordPress blog; yes, I have 2 blogs and have followed you on my blogspot one. :-)


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