Sunday, September 12, 2010

Someone is a Little Broody - and it's NOT me!

Foghorn has been sitting on a golf ball for 2 weeks now.  She's broody.
When chickens get broody, they sit on the nest most of the time.  They stop socializing.  They just kind of hunker down, ready to hatch a baby.
In this case, Foghorn is also not laying any new eggs.  When I try to check, she makes funny aggressive noises.  I check anyhow, and so far she hasn't pecked me.
Now I'll tell you, I am the first to admit that I know virtually nothing about golf. 
But I'm pretty sure that ball isn't going to hatch.


  1. Baby Girl, I know NOTHING about chickens...but why don't you leave one real egg in there...maybe she just needs to be a mom first??? After all, she sees what a good one you are...:)

  2. That post was so darned funny - love your wording!!! She looks pretty "determined" to GIT R DONE! Thanks for the smiles!

  3. You know this begs the question, "How did the golf ball get there in the first place?". Very funny post though!

  4. Poor Foghorn!
    Yeah I wonder where the golf ball came from too. lol


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